PluXml 5.8.5 is available

Written by Haruka no comments

(en) A new PluXml version is available. This 5.8.5 minor version brings fixes listed below. I take advantage of this article to wish you a happy new year for 2021. Let's hope that this year we will see the end of the health crisis and the beginning of our lifestyles questioning.

(fr) Une nouvelle version de PluXml est disponible. Cette version mineure, estampillé 5.8.5, apporte son lot de correctif, dont vous retrouverez la liste plus bas dans l’article. Je profite de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter une bonne année 2021. Espérons que cette année marquera la fin de la crise sanitaire et le début d’une remise en question de nos modes de vie.


[+] Refine url rewriting rule #497 (bazooka07)
FIX Allow punctuation in articles and pages titles #505 (bazooka07)
FIX plxShow::catList() and plxShow::catId multiples article with same category #495 (bazooka07)
FIX Check if resetting password is not allowed before password change #500 (lolo3129, P3ter)
FIX Error with password reset token generation (P3ter)
FIX Check if a user profil is defined in the current session before changing it when necessary #511 (bazooka07)
FIX Allow comments default value #516 (bazooka07)

Thanks to bazooka07 and lolo3129 for their contributions to this PluXml version.

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